Most firms only use “ad hoc training” but there are significant benefits to investing in sending professionals to more formal training programs.
Finding Chemistry For Rainmakers And Team Players
For a firm to thrive, it needs to intentionally balance the needs of star performers with those of the team.
Find Your Inner Bad Guy
Time and again I work with firm owners who are reluctant to be “the bad guy” and deliver the tough advice to their employees or mentees that they aren’t doing as well as they should be. If you want your colleagues to develop into successful professionals, you have the obligation as a mentor to help them recognize and fix their weaknesses.
Growing an advisory firm so it will continue on
G2 Leadership Institute graduates Kelli Kiemle and Cecilia Williams of Halbert Hargrove on the value of strategic planning.
Voting a Partner Off the Island
Firms sometimes face the painful and difficult task of asking a partner to leave. How to minimize the disruption when that becomes inevitable?
Do Scooby Snacks Work?
Bonuses can be effective for short-term action. For long-term behavior change, culture and management should also play a role.
Millennials and Careers
Firms are dreading the arrival of their first millennial employee. But beyond stereotypes, millennials can bring energy and ambition, and help define and refine a firm’s sense of purpose.
Stop With The Phony Slogans
Firms spend an enormous amount of time crafting vision statements, statements of values and “reasons why.” The result is bland sentences that offer no insights about the actual direction of a firm, the behavior of its people or the quality of the decisions they make.
Brandon Odell on ‘how the right administrative staff can make all the difference’
Fix My Business: Good Help Is Hard to Find by Anne Field. Read article full here